By engaging Occupi services, you can essentially bring the same level of expertise and know-how to the oversight of your lease expenses as the best among the top retail chains - without having to incur the overhead cost of setting up a department just for the task.

About Us

Audit Resources, LLC is a full-service commercial lease expense consulting company whose principal partners have from 15 to over 20 years experience saving retail tenants money, giving them a critical edge in a highly competitive market.

With Occupi services, we tailor and focus our service menu to fit a spectrum of client needs. 

Large-portfolio companies can add resources without incurring overhead

If you're a major retailer or nationwide business with your own internal lease administration team, your people are probably stretched pretty thin. After all, who can afford to overstaff just for those occasional deluges of work? But ferreting out the more subtle and elusive cost drivers in your leased-property portfolio takes time - and a lot of it. 

But to manage these properties your team has to process a steady stream of invoices from landlords and ad hoc requests, not to mention an avalanche of year- or quarter-end reconciliations. All with a limited window of time before you risk being put in default. You have a lot of properties to manage and only a finite amount of time and resources to give them. 

However, by enlisting the help of Occupi services, outside the deadline-driven lease administration process,  

  • We can take all the time we need to study the lease, the layout, and the landlord's practices

  • We can take the time to work past landlords who resist scrutiny  to get the information you are entitled to, to make reasonable analysis of charges

  • We can take the time to negotiate a resolution to differences that affirms your rights as a tenant while acknowledging your landlord's needs 

  • We can bring decades of experience in the nuances and pitfalls of lease expenses to bear to not only recover past costs charged in error, but reduce occupancy cost for the life of your lease

And all of this capability is available at no upfront cost to your company.

Small, Regional Retailers can have big-league capabilities without carrying a big-league payroll

If you are a regional retailer with only a few stores, you probably don’t have a lease administration department, because it wouldn’t be cost-effective to dedicate resources to that function. Typically, someone within your company – perhaps even the owner – identifies a vacancy in a promising shopping center, you pay an attorney to negotiate a lease with the landlord, and you turn it over to whoever does your accounting to process and pay the rent and additional-rent invoices coming from the landlord.

In a perfect world that should be fine. But landlords make mistakes, They probably have many tenants, each with its own unique lease terms. It's a situation ripe for error. Which means they could end up charging you for things your lease won't allow - and you end up paying more than you should for your tenancy.

That’s why major retailers and large multinational corporations have whole departments dedicated to managing occupancy expenses, including evaluating landlord charges. And most of them use outside resources such as Occupi services as well, to complement the capabilities of their internal staff, adding greater depth of analysis than can be done practically in house. 

By engaging Occupi  services, you can essentially bring the same level of expertise and know-how to the oversight of your lease expenses as the best among the top retail chains - without having to incur the overhead cost of setting up a department just for the task.

Best of all, if business is great and you expand, adding more and more stores, at some point it may make sense to begin to do more of this oversight in house. Occupi services have the advantage of flexibility, to adjust the work we do for you to seamlessly accommodate your growing, changing internal organization.