Building on our reputation and experience as one of the most respected lease expense auditing companies, Audit Resources introduces Occupi services - 360 degrees of occupancy cost control services to help Retail tenants rein in CAM, taxes, insurance and other leased real estate costs.

Why turn to Occupi services?

To some extent, that will depend on the nature of your operation. But whether you are a company with a single office complex in a high-rise building, a small regional retailer with only a few stores or a large national chain with hundreds or thousands of locations - or something in between, Occupi services can cost-effectively enhance your ability to manage your leased properties and return real revenue to your bottom line.

Occupi services can deliver significant savings to your company – which can only help you compete better in a challenging market.

Excess Cost Recovery

CAM, Insurance, and Tax Auditing

Occupi Occupancy Cost Control Service Menu

Lease Language Consulting

Utility Cost Optimization